Why not? Let’s try it!

Most of the time, you can notice that the student who you work whit is going to be ok later of their life. Some of them are maybe trying to find their own way bit diffrently, but it’s all right as we know. In my life I have admired handful of my friends who know what they want in their life. I appreciate that they are willing to do the work what is required to be great in what they do. I did not know what I wanted to be professionally.  So, my way to find a job what I liked happened by accident. It was not planned at all and I was saying to myself

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During my childhood I was lucky that my parents encouraged me and they did not criticize me. Of course, there was times of tough love, but it was needed for sure. One of the best things what I managed to get from my parents was the attitude that I’m going to be ok whatever happens.

A few months ago I was looking my Instagram and I noticed one picture from one of the all-time greats in basketball.  He is Ray Allen and during his career as a professional basketball player he had amazing work ethic. Everyday he worked his craft and became one of the best 3-point shooters in NBA’s history. The headline of the picture that he posted was 10 Things that require zero talent.



Nowadays one of my biggest challenges is trying to make the changes in students mindsets. In  short term and in long term it is difficult to make difference in students behavior. But as we all know positive mindset is infectious. Doing things a little bit differently is what keeps me going and gives me the edge who I am as a teacher. Once in the while it’s good to remind ourselves of these 10 talents and lets try, why not?


Written by Mikko Hankaniemi

Photo by Brandi Rett on Unsplash



If I know who I am, what I know or can and what I want, is it easier for me then to make a plan how to get there where I want to be? We assume that self-confident students know maybe better what they want but not necessarily how to get there. In schools we teachers believe that when we teach the students will learn. The students need guidance but also good experiences of success. We teach but do we encourage and give enough good feedback? Does our students get the feelings of good experiences and success often enough?

Trusting someone means that you need to know the person well enough. Do we as teachers know our students on secondary vocational school level well enough? I would say no, in that sense what is meant here. Trusting yourself to my mind means that you need to know yourself and you need to be somewhat self-confident. Trusting in your students means that you need to know them as persons. The vocational school reform in Finland is pushing teachers to a situation where the only possibility to teach or coach your students and make a personal plan for the student is to learn to know them personally. To learn to know them personally well enough.

Project learning, entrepreneurial methods and close co-operation with companies e.g. order from a company or working life partner are methods used. These kind of methods insist that the teacher knows whom to place where to do what. So that you can trust and believe that the order will be done succesfully. The working life is looking for the right person. I as a teacher must know my students well enough to be able to send the right students to the right places in working life. I must trust and not only trust but also believe that they will be able to take care and manage the given tasks.

Trusting and believing in someone means that as a teacher I give a chance for the students to do something concrete. Learning is a process. During the process there will be many different stages. In learning by doing e.g. I can follow the process and teach or coach the students from a closer distance. I learn to know them better that way. In the situations where learning is organized by creating concret authentic situations will it also be easier for the students to remember and understand. Finally when I know my students well enough I have the faith and courage to give them feedback. Doing something concret is important. It can and will be remembered and realized better than just hearing or reading it. Success will appear at some stages of the process. When I as teacher am closely involved in the projects I can learn to trust, believe and finally let go when the time is ripe.

bääbää let go

Trust – believe – let go is a slogan for me and my team of colleagues nowadays. Not easy at all but it has been a learning process for us teachers also during the time of changes in vocational education here in Finland. We are pioneers and we are proudly enjoying it. We trust and believe that we are doing something good and right for the future. Letting go is challenging but it gives us more than it takes.

Written and photos by Natascha Skog


Street style in vocational teaching in spring 2018

Another season of fashion week is upon us—Spring 2018, to be exact. To be in, hip, you need to wear flashes of color – bright tangerine, shocking pink and tomato red.

To be a vocational teacher is also in fashion in Finland today. We survived the reform and now we just have to aspirate to the future. Vocational teachers need to be experts in teaching and learning among studying and exploring. They need to be experts in their sector specialism. Vocational teachers need to be trustworthy, team players, team teachers who respects others around. They need to have a good reflective ability and to be keen on evolving in that. They must be specialists on creating an atmosphere where collective aspiration can be set free and people are keen to learn from each other. They must be explorers who want to find out the best out of everyone. Very cleaver idea is to  complete the look with crazy ambitiousness.


The new collection of 2018 consists of teachers who are gentle, kind and constructive. They must have passion to find success in learning, improving and opening up themselves to growth. The motivating concept behind the new collection, combines the continued professional development – and to maintain a healthy balanced work life for the teachers. In vocational education street style collection should be found learning new approaches to teaching, student assessment and new ways of using technology. Teachers should have utterly confident ways of combining students individual needs and need for skills in working life. Mix and match is very in.

There are various challenges teachers face in prioritizing continued professional development. The most important task on the way is personal growth. That is why we need teachers with reflective ability and good self-awareness that they can get the best out of their students. They must be aware of their own development tasks and they must be responsible for designing their own career development education, focused on the skills and knowledge they are lacking of. They must be able to pimp their own growth. Self-observation and self-evaluation are crucial in today’s fashion and that will lead to better self-awareness and confidence.

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Street style pros will get you out of your comfort zone,  they are dressed in their best, no matter the temperatures. Collecting information about yourself and your way of teaching, and by analyzing and evaluating this information, is very popular among street style pros. This will help you identify and explore your own practices and underlying beliefs. This will lead to changes and improvements in teaching. Healthy self confidence, which includes reflective ability is an iconic outfit in vocational teaching in 2018.

Teachers require, to ensure that the skills they coach to their students are in line with the needs of the workplaces. Skills need to be updated and this requires teachers’ work placement periods or that they will take the teaching and coaching to the workplaces. This will lead instant professional growth, the development of professional competence and expertise. Quality of teaching will change and improve immediately.

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Street style in vocational teaching in 2018 is all about taking the brave steps out of our comfort zone. There will be resistance, but when teachers will do that, it will

– increase teachers’ motivation and enthusiasm for one’s own work
– increase teachers’ will and courage to maintain contacts with the working life
– curricula and teaching are developed in a more working-life oriented direction
– increase workplaces’ knowledge of vocational education
– intensify co-operation between education providers and working life

(Guide for the Implementation of Vocational Teachers’ Work Placement Periods, Oph 2014).

So, what do you think, what should be found from every vocational teachers everyday wardrobe in spring 2018?

Photos Lia Heikkila

Written by Annele Heikkila

How to become more reflective teacher?

Reflective teaching means looking at what you do with your students, how you teach, why you do what you do, and thinking about if it works. It is a process of self-observation and self-evaluation and it will lead to better self-awareness and confidence. By collecting information about yourself and your way of teaching, and by analyzing and evaluating this information, it  helps you  identify and explore your own practices and underlying beliefs. This will lead to changes and improvements in teaching. Reflective teaching therefore means professional development which begins in a dialog with students and colleagues.

How to start, how to get a better picture of how you teach and interact with your students?

Invite a colleague to participate to your lesson. Or as we do, do team teaching! We have arranged different learning opportunities for students from different areas in vocational studies, for example we have mixed successfully business, media and healthcare studies.

Team teaching has been very good learning and developing opportunity for us. It has been refreshing to work with colleagues from different areas. Even though the teachable subject might have been out of our comfort zone, we have been able to focus on interaction and atmosphere, and of course we have learned from the subject!

Team teaching and envolving with your reflective ability demands trust, believing and respect between colleagues. It`s very important to create an atmosphere where collective aspiration can be set free and people are keen to learn from each other. Good, respectful relationship can engage teachers  to expand their thinking, to increase knowledge of  what they might be lacking of and to find out the best out of everyone. Envolving with reflective ability is based on loving truthful reflection and rational discourse.

Reflection that will be given needs to be gentle, kind and constructive. When you have good reflective ability you will find success in learning and improving. The truth is, when you open up yourself to a growth it makes yourself more you. The challanges you meet won´t swallow you completely, instead you have the tools to deal with them.

One of our projects that we did, supported by team teaching, was Improving Young People’s Mental Health. Sorry the video is in Finnish, but focus on the feelings!


Video Students from Kpedu

Written by Annele Heikkilä

Design thinking as a mindset

In Icebath we have an urge to be a part of creating a more desirable future. Design Thinking has inspired us to see teaching differently. We want our students to feel the confidence that they can be the best version of themselves that they are expected to be and that they can manage the difficult challenges that they will face during their studies and in the future work life. We think enacting thoughts and ideology from design thinking gives us optimism that is well needed in education.

im working my craft

In teaching and learning we face challenges every single day that need new ways of thinking, design thinking. After the reform in vocational education in Finland new teaching requires new ways of thinking and design thinking offers us a great method.

Design thinking in a nut shell.  Teachers offer students learning opportunities the challenges, students find out the way they approach it and what they will learn from it. This way students are able to see opportunities and have the ownership on their tasks, they start thinking what they can create. The process continues, what do I think about this, what is my IDEA, how do I build it, I try, practice, practice, practice and I will evolve.


The most important task on the way is personal growth. That is why we need teachers with reflective ability and good self awareness that they can get the best out of their students.

Photos Mikko Hankaniemi,  Craft your growht Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash Practice, Practice, practice, practice Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Written by Annele Heikkila

Teachers need reflective leaders

Carey Nieuwhof has written interesting articles in his blog about insecure leaders. A week ago I had a great conversation about this subject. We were talking about how insecure leaders don’t realize how deeply their personal insecurities play role into their managerial styles, and how habitual these behaviors can become if left unchecked. In Finland we have a saying: ”I must have all the yarns in my hands”. For a good leader that is impossible.  Leaders with low self-awareness frequently take the impact of personal challenges, and project those issues onto employees, which is the ultimate outcome of not taking ownership of their insecurities. A leader who is being insecure in their personal life might find it very rewarding to be able to control everything, having all the yarns in their hands.

Learning organization ideology, that we highly admire in Icebath, doesn’t approve leaders who control everything.  In educational world it is very important to have leaders who have people-centered approaches to leading. People-centered approaches mean relinquishing control to others and trusting that employees will not abuse that responsibility. To be able to do this a leader must have very good self-awareness and they must be very confident and comfortable in their role to pull it off. To get the best out of students requires it teachers who have people-centered approach to teaching, coaching, leading their team, a group of students.

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Nieuwof writes that one of the most glorious answers a leader can give is “I don’t know.” Admitting that you don’t know and you want to hear your employees point of view, is a wise thing to do and even an insecure leader knows that. They do respect other opinions, they do want to hear them out and maybe to use them later as their own opinions. The biggest fear of an insecure leader is a fear of losing control. Losing control and switching to a people-centered approach is the most difficult thing to do.

During the reform in Finnish educational system, in this changing world in teaching teachers might have doubts how they will retain their authority, their expertness if they change their role from all knowing teachers to a questioner coaches. How the teachers are lead equals how they will teach, coach, lead their teams.


To be able to lose control, insecure leaders and teachers must concentrate their own personal growth. To be able to grow you must start to think you can grow in every conversation, you can learn from everybody you meet and out of everything you experience. Realizing that you are not the center of the universe, all knowing miracle you can find out that wisdom can be found around you and there are people who know more than you and work better than you. They just need a good leader who supports them to get the best out of themselves.

There are so many leaders who try to control everything schedules, time in the office, output, budget etc.  At the same time they are trying to control everything they can, they say they want employees to be creative and innovative and make the best out of themselves and the company. The problem is that people who are controlled won’t be creative, innovative, and responsive. People won’t stay in their jobs, if they don´t feel respected and trusted. If they are forced they stay, but act like marionettes. We  don’t want our future employees to be marionettes. We want them to be inspired, with good self-awareness and confidence  in their role, what ever it will be,  to pull it off.

Instead of packing your insecurities into a briefcase every day and bringing them with you to work and projecting them onto employees or students,  leaders  and teachers should come to work without a briefcase at all! Tough challenge!

To be a good leader or teachers you don´t have to know everything, because that is impossible, but to be a good leader or teacher  you must be able to grow, learn and develop yourself every day in a reflection with your employees, co-workers, students and people around you.

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Reflection in a relationship and in a leadership has been described as a process that helps turn experience into knowledge. To be able to be a reflective person who creates reflective conversation is not something we are born with, it is a learnable ability and it develops on discussions with other more advanced minds. Low levels of reflective ability have been associated with insensitive and emotionally unresponsive behaviors (e.g., withdrawal, hostility, intrusiveness, and distorted perceptions of affective communication). Reflective ability is a mental process thought to be invoked in the interpretation of human action (i.e., the attribution of personal meaning and intention to others’ behavior). Reflective ability helps individuals to understand that emotions influence interactions. Ability of thinking reflectively helps to clarify the cause and effect relations between underlying emotions and interpersonal behavior.

What then is the purposes of good reflecting leadership ability?

A reflective leader allows employees to ‘hear’ their own thoughts and to focus on what they say and feel, they encourage employees to a conversation that leads to brainstorming and changing ideas, growing.

Reflective leader shows the employees that they are trying to perceive the world as employees sees it and that they are doing their best to understand their messages. They are not afraid of their employee’s wisdom and knowledge vice versa they celebrate the brains that they have in their company, they also give the credit for the ones it belongs to.

Reflecting does not involve asking questions, introducing a new topic or leading the conversation in another direction.  Leaders help employees through reflecting as it not only allows them to feel understood, but it also gives them the opportunity to focus on their ideas.  This in turn helps them to direct their thoughts and further encourages them to continue speaking and that way learning.

The more reflective a leader can be, more reflective will their employees, teachers be and their reflective ability reflects to the people around them. The more reflective a leader can be the more they can learn from their employees, because they know they can trust their employees reflections! Reflective leaders spread life skills around.

Be brave to let go of the yarns in your hands, someone else knows better how to create a woolen sock out of them!

Written by Annele Heikkilä